[mary-dev] adding new NLPs to the system

fxavier at ircam.fr fxavier at ircam.fr
Tue Jun 21 12:10:22 CEST 2011

Hello Nickolay,

Thank you for your answer. I did install all the languages (not the
voices) and it works... it's a real stupid mistake I must admit.

However, still I 'm having problem with french. I guess it is not a
problem if the voice is not installed since it is just a warning. For the
fr.config file, now it just look like this:

# MARY TTS configuration file fr.config

name = fr
fr.version = 4.3.0

provides = a-language

requires = \

############################## The Modules  ###############################

modules.classes.list = \
	marytts.language.fr.PhonemiserFR \

This class PhonemiserFR takes as input a RAWMARYXML and output PHONEMES. I
included some logger.debug() inside the constructor and the process
method, but nothing is written into the server.log file. What I deduce
from the exceptions is that the modules TextToMaryXML and PhonemiserFR are
not properly interconnected, so I'm missing something, maybe a file to
tweak, or some includes missing? However, the output of TextToMaryXML is a
RAWMARYXML, which is the input of the PhonemiserFR class. I think I've
changed the build.xml file so it is correct now. As I can see in the

2011-06-21 11:49:29,827 [I/O dispatcher 5] INFO  marytts.R 2 -
TextToMaryXML (marytts.modules.TextToMaryXML)
2011-06-21 11:49:29,827 [I/O dispatcher 5] INFO  marytts.R 2 Next module:
2011-06-21 11:49:29,828 [I/O dispatcher 5] ERROR marytts.server Processing

TextToMaryXML doesn't process.


> Hello Florent
> This log says that you have no default voice defined for locale fr, this
> might be the reason of failure. Maybe you don't have German voice
> installed too and that's why it fails for German. Once you will install
> one German voice it should start working with German.
> Also in your config it seems you miss
> locale = fr
> In any case it's very easy to debug the specific issues if you can just
> add debugging print calls in the server call and track on which stage it
> fail.

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