[mary-dev] Adding new language problem

Beněk Tomáš xbenek01 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Tue Apr 22 17:25:28 CEST 2014

Good afternoon,
I would be grateful if You can provide me some help, please. I am  
trying to add Czech language to MARY TTS system. I followed the  
instructions on "New language support" page on wiki and I successfully  
created new language and HMM voice. I trained HMM models on 1000  
selected sentences from wiki dump, about 1 hour of speech signal.  
Problem is with quality of synthesized voice, especially with words  
which used g2p rules. I added/specified only stuff in instructions,  
nothing more, no prosody etc. Is it enough, or should I add some  
code/stuff for prosody or generating acoustic parameters?

My config file looks like this:

####################### The Modules  #######################
modules.classes.list = \
         marytts.modules.JPhonemiser(cs.)  \
         marytts.modules.MinimalisticPosTagger(cs,cs.) \


####################### Module settings  ###########################
# Phonemiser settings
cs.allophoneset = jar:/marytts/language/cs/lexicon/allophones.cs.xml
cs.lexicon = jar:/marytts/language/cs/lexicon/cs_lexicon.fst
cs.lettertosound = jar:/marytts/language/cs/lexicon/cs.lts
#cs.userdict = MARY_BASE/user-dictionaries/userdict-cs.txt

# POS tagger settings
cs.partsofspeech.fst = jar:/marytts/language/cs/tagger/cs_pos.fst
cs.partsofspeech.punctuation = ,.?!;

# Global prosody trees:
cs.duration.cart = MARY_BASE/lib/modules/cs/cap/dur.graph.mry
cs.f0.cart.left = MARY_BASE/lib/modules/cs/cap/f0.left.tree
cs.f0.cart.mid = MARY_BASE/lib/modules/cs/cap/f0.mid.tree
cs.f0.cart.right = MARY_BASE/lib/modules/cs/cap/f0.right.tree
cs.f0.featuredefinition =  

# Feature processor manager
featuremanager.classes.list = \

Thank you for Your answer,
Tomas Benek

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