[mary-dev] Error occured while running MCEPMaker

Pubudu Tharaka shandigutt at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 03:52:19 CEST 2015


I'm trying to add Sinhala support to MaryTTS. While running the Voice
Import Tool -> MCEPMaker I get the following error,

Computing Mel cepstra for [1163] utterances.
---- Calculating the Mel-Cepstrum coefficents...
WALLOC: failed to malloc -2 bytes
java.lang.Exception: The component MCEPMaker produced the following
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mel-Cepstrum  computation failed on
file [s20001]!
Command line was:
-window_type hamming -factor 2.5 -otype est_binary -coefs melcep
-melcep_order 12 -fbank_order 24 -shift 0.01 -preemph 0.97 -pm
s20001.pm -o
at marytts.util.io.General.launchProc(General.java:543)
at marytts.tools.voiceimport.ESTCaller.make_mcep(ESTCaller.java:239)
at marytts.tools.voiceimport.MCEPMaker.compute(MCEPMaker.java:249)

Can someone sort this out for me. By the way I have installed festival
speech tools and SPTK-3.2 manually. Also I have skipped the converting
audio phase mentioned in this link
<https://github.com/marytts/marytts/wiki/New-Language-Support> as it gave
me an error. I did all the recording using Redstart.

Thank you.
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