[mary-users] HMMVoiceDataPreparation

Thorsten Westermann thorstenwestermann at gmx.net
Sat Dec 5 13:05:34 CET 2009

Thank you for the improvement of the code to start the AudioConverterGUI. 
I had some strange problems running it (e. g. I check "Conversion from Stero to Mono, and then the program tells me that only Mono files are supported, and also I think my sox is somehow misconfigured). But maybe that was related to my initial problem:

For some strange reason my audio files were so strangely headed that they were recognized as Mono by any audio program although they were in fact stereo. So thanks for the help again. It works now that I have re-recorded them.

All works fine (all steps successfully completed), except to the point in the AudioTools where it comes to HMMVoiceDataPreparation.

It exits with the following error message:

/home/Westermann/voice6/wav/audio_0098.wav --> /home/Westermann/voice6/data/raw/audio_0098.raw
/home/Westermann/voice6/wav/audio_0099.wav --> /home/Westermann/voice6/data/raw/audio_0099.raw
java.lang.Exception: The component HMMVoiceDataPreparation produced the following exception: 
	at marytts.tools.voiceimport.DatabaseImportMain$8.run(DatabaseImportMain.java:294)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: wav2raw computation failed on file [/home/Westermann/voice6/]!
Command line was: [/home/Westermann/voice6/data/scripts/wav2raw.sh /home/Westermann/voice6/wav /home/Westermann/voice6/data/raw].
	at marytts.tools.voiceimport.General.launchProc(General.java:515)
	at marytts.tools.voiceimport.HMMVoiceDataPreparation.compute(HMMVoiceDataPreparation.java:199)
	at marytts.tools.voiceimport.DatabaseImportMain$8.run(DatabaseImportMain.java:291)

Do you perhaps have any more of your great ideas what might be the problem here?


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