[mary-users] Installing the server on Redhat Linux

Danny Young danny at j2e.com
Tue May 12 09:06:28 CEST 2009


I am new to OpenMary and just got it running on my Windows machine last night. 
Great quality text to speech, well done to all involved. 
My question is, I need to install a Mary server on my Redhat Linux machine.
First can this be done? Second, if so, how do I start?
I only have remote access to my server so I run Webmin or a console to access it.
Thanks in advance and apologies if the answer is obvious.

Best regards

-- Danny Young, Managing Director, Just2easy Ltd 
-- Tel 01335  370579, Fax 01335 851792
-- Just2easy Limited is a company registered in England, number 04269194
-- Crowtrees, Bradley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1PG
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