[mary-users] Combinability of Effects in Mary 4.1.1

René Bühling buehling at informatik.uni-augsburg.de
Mon Dec 6 17:07:31 CET 2010

Dear all,

I have a short question for my understanding of things: It seems that it 
is not or no longer possible to combine effects in Mary 4.1.1. For 
example when I use Mary Server and Mary GUI client, I can apparently 
only apply one audio effect a time. Although I can check the checkboxes 
of both i.e. TractScaler and F0Add, only the TractScaler will work. Also 
the other way round, F0Add works, but not in combination with other 
effects. My test-voices where dfki-spike-hsmm, dfki-prudence-hsmm, 
dfki-poppy-hsmm, dfki-obadiah-hsmm.

Furthermore the Rate filter seems to have no effect at all - at least 
what I can hear. ;)
I know that these things worked in Mary 3.6 (i.e. with voice hmm-bdl).
Did some elemental things change in Mary 4, so that it does no longer 
work or are there things to consider which I have missed so far?

Thanks and kind regards,

MSc MA René Bühling
- Research Staff-

Human Centered Multimedia
Chair of Prof. Dr. E. André
Faculty of Applied Computer Science
Universitätsstr. 6a / Room 2039
86159 Augsburg, Germany

Phone: +49 821 598 2346
Fax:   +49 821 598 2349
Web:   http://www.hcm-lab.de

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