[mary-users] Alignment format questions

Thorsten Westermann thorstenwestermann at gmx.net
Wed May 5 13:42:37 CEST 2010

Thank you, Ingmar!

2 questions:

<consonant ph="?" ctype="s" cplace="g" cvox="-"/>

I don't understand what this means...
In the mary lexicon I have e. g. 

' ? y: - b @ l

This throws 2 questions up for me:

a) (Sorry to repeat myself)
What does the ' mean?

b) Why is there an "?". I am not really sure (to be honest, not at all) how the "ü" from "übel" relates to a consonant. Did I misunderstand something?

Is it possible that client/server behave differently under Linux and Windows? When I enter "durchschauen" in the client and set the output to "phonemes", I get 2 different outputs. I am using the current release version of Mary.

Have a nice day!

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