[mary-users] HMMVoiceMakeData - PhoneFeatureLabelAligner - HMMVoiceMakeVoice

fxavier at ircam.fr fxavier at ircam.fr
Wed Aug 3 16:46:25 CEST 2011

Another question beside the point is what version of hts_engine should I
use with hts 2.1, htk 3.4 and hdecode 3.4? Because I have this error
stating that headers of the pdfs file can't be read while running the

Step: Start synthesizing waveforms using hts_engine at mercredi 3 août
2011, 16:42:57 (UTC+0200)
ERR> Error: HTS_Model_load_pdf: Failed to load header of pdfs.
ERR> Error in /usr/local/bin/hts_engine -td
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/tree-dur.inf -tf
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/tree-lf0.inf -tm
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/tree-mgc.inf -md
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/dur.pdf -mf
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/lf0.pdf -mm
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/mgc.pdf -dm
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/mgc.win1 -dm
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/mgc.win2 -dm
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/mgc.win3 -df
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/lf0.win1 -df
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/lf0.win2 -df
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/lf0.win3 -s 16000 -p 80
-a 0.42 -g 0  -b 0.4 -cm
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/gv-mgc.pdf -cf
/home/florent/ArcticVoice/hts/voices/qst001/ver1/gv-lf0.pdf -b 0.0  -or
java.lang.Exception: The component HMMVoiceMakeVoice produced the
following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:  computation failed on file
Command line was: [/usr/bin/perl



> Dear Florent,
> On 03.08.2011 14:20, fxavier at ircam.fr wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Yes, only 8 files are ok unfortunately... the rest isn't. That is why I
>> can't do what Satish is suggesting. Indeed the error for these 2991
>> files
>> is like
>> utt_1:  Feature file is longer than label file:  unit 44 and greater do
>> not exist in label file
>> Problem is I cannot see what are these 8, as the display in the terminal
>> is limted to a few lines.
> OK, let's back up a bit. IIRC, you're getting this error in
> HMMVoiceMakeData, but it's really just reading files created with
> earlier components, which have nothing to do with whether you're
> building a unit selection voice or an HMM-based one.
> First of all, have you successfully built a unit selection voice with
> your data? If not, this might be a little easier to debug, but doesn't
> solve the concrete issue here.
> Anyway, let's look at the stacktrace you posted in the first message in
> this thread:
>> Error: Number of context features in:
>> /home/florent/FlorentVoice//phonefeatures/utt_2513.pfeats is not the
>> same
>> as the number of labels in:
>> /home/florent/FlorentVoice//phonelab/utt_2513.lab
> Could you please tell us more about the content of those two files?
> Specifically, the pfeats file contains three blocks delimited by blank
> lines. The second of these, together with the lab file, would really
> help to shed light on what is going wrong.
>> About the syllabification problem, it must be
>> the same fo all the files, included the 8 that are good.
>> Anyway what I'm going to try is to make a voice, with only 10 sentences
>> from the ones that are misaligned, but with correct syllabification and
>> see what happens.
> I doubt that would fly. What you want to do is run only the
> PhoneLabelFeatureAligner on the corrected files to see if it still
> complains. To do the correction, take the PHONEMES-stage utterances,
> insert " - " into the "ph" attributes of the <t> elements, then convert
> that from PHONEMES to ALLOPHONES to get corrected syllable structure in
> the MaryXML. Use that for the files in your allophones directory and
> re-run the PhoneUnitFeatureComputer and HalfPhoneUnitFeatureComputer.
> That should fix the pfeats files.
> Best wishes,
> -Ingmar
>> If I use the syllabifier for the phonetical transcription, there are
>> great
>> chances that the output doesn't correspond to the syllabified text. How
>> does the other languages handle this?
>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>> Florent
>>> Dear Florent,
>>> just to make sure I understood correctly, you have 2999 total
>>> utterances, and for 2991 of these, there is misalignment, while 8 are
>>> OK? Or 8 have problems, while 2991 are OK? In the latter case, do what
>>> Sathish suggests, and simply remove the 8, but in the former, 8 are not
>>> enough to build a proper voice, read on.
>>> What do the utterances that are OK have that is different for the
>>> problematic ones? Perhaps manual inspection will give you clues.
>>> My intuition is that the mismatches might have to do with the fact that
>>> most of your "syllables" are bogus. (This is of course related to your
>>> other question about syllabification.) Could you manually correct the
>>> syllabification for a few utterances and see if the number of
>>> problematic utterances is reduced accordingly?
>>> Best wishes,
>>> -Ingmar
>>> On 03.08.2011 12:11, Sathish Chandra Pammi wrote:
>>>> Dear Florent,
>>>> Have you seen any command line output where the exact misalignment is
>>>> happening? I mean phone level mismatch.
>>>> There is one quick alternative, but I knew it is a bad solution.
>>>> That is removing/discarding those 8 basenames from basenames list. So
>>>> that these utterances will be discarded from voicebuilding process.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Sathish
>>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 1:54 PM,<fxavier at ircam.fr
>>>> <mailto:fxavier at ircam.fr>>  wrote:
>>>>      Dear all,
>>>>      I've corrected the french phonemiser, so there is no silent at
>>>> the
>>>>      beginning of the transcription. Unfortunately I still have
>>>> 2991/2999
>>>>      misalignment problem. Here's for example the first sentence,
>>>> here's
>>>> the
>>>>      allophone xml and the lab file:
>>>>      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><maryxml
>>>>      xmlns="http://mary.dfki.de/2002/MaryXML"
>>>>      xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
>>>> version="0.4"
>>>>      xml:lang="fr">
>>>>      <p>
>>>>      <s>
>>>>      <prosody pitch="+5%" range="+20%">
>>>>      <phrase>
>>>>      <boundary breakindex="3"/><t ph="i l" pos="[PPER3MS]">
>>>>      il
>>>>      <syllable ph="i l">
>>>>      <ph p="i"/>
>>>>      <ph p="l"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="s a v E" pos="[V3S]">
>>>>      savait
>>>>      <syllable ph="s a v E">
>>>>      <ph p="s"/>
>>>>      <ph p="a"/>
>>>>      <ph p="v"/>
>>>>      <ph p="E"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="k @" pos="[COSUB]">
>>>>      que
>>>>      <syllable ph="k @">
>>>>      <ph p="k"/>
>>>>      <ph p="@"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="l @" pos="[DETMS]">
>>>>      le
>>>>      <syllable ph="l @">
>>>>      <ph p="l"/>
>>>>      <ph p="@"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="p 9 p l @" pos="[NMS]">
>>>>      peuple
>>>>      <syllable ph="p 9 p l @">
>>>>      <ph p="p"/>
>>>>      <ph p="9"/>
>>>>      <ph p="p"/>
>>>>      <ph p="l"/>
>>>>      <ph p="@"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="l @" pos="[PPOBJMS]">
>>>>      le
>>>>      <syllable ph="l @">
>>>>      <ph p="l"/>
>>>>      <ph p="@"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="s u t @ n E" pos="[V3S]">
>>>>      soutenait
>>>>      <syllable ph="s u t @ n E">
>>>>      <ph p="s"/>
>>>>      <ph p="u"/>
>>>>      <ph p="t"/>
>>>>      <ph p="@"/>
>>>>      <ph p="n"/>
>>>>      <ph p="E"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <boundary breakindex="3"/><t ph="_" pos=",">
>>>>      ,
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      </phrase>
>>>>      </prosody>
>>>>      <prosody pitch="-5%" range="-20%">
>>>>      <phrase>
>>>>      <t ph="s @" pos="[PDEMFS]">
>>>>      ce
>>>>      <syllable ph="s @">
>>>>      <ph p="s"/>
>>>>      <ph p="@"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="k i" pos="[PRELFS]">
>>>>      qui
>>>>      <syllable ph="k i">
>>>>      <ph p="k"/>
>>>>      <ph p="i"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="l H i" pos="[PPOBJMS]">
>>>>      lui
>>>>      <syllable ph="l H i">
>>>>      <ph p="l"/>
>>>>      <ph p="H"/>
>>>>      <ph p="i"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="a" pos="[VA3S]">
>>>>      a
>>>>      <syllable ph="a">
>>>>      <ph p="a"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="d 0 n e" pos="[VPPMS]">
>>>>      donné
>>>>      <syllable ph="d 0 n e">
>>>>      <ph p="d"/>
>>>>      <ph p="0"/>
>>>>      <ph p="n"/>
>>>>      <ph p="e"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <t ph="k o~ f j a~ s" pos="[NFS]">
>>>>      confiance
>>>>      <syllable ph="k o~ f j a~ s">
>>>>      <ph p="k"/>
>>>>      <ph p="o~"/>
>>>>      <ph p="f"/>
>>>>      <ph p="j"/>
>>>>      <ph p="a~"/>
>>>>      <ph p="s"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      <boundary breakindex="3"/><t ph="_" pos=".">
>>>>      .
>>>>      <syllable ph="_">
>>>>      <ph p="_"/>
>>>>      </syllable>
>>>>      </t>
>>>>      </phrase>
>>>>      </prosody>
>>>>      </s>
>>>>      </p>
>>>>      </maryxml>
>>>>      format: end time. unit index. phone
>>>>      #
>>>>      1.040000 0 _
>>>>      1.175000 1 i
>>>>      1.190000 2 l
>>>>      1.320000 3 s
>>>>      1.400000 4 a
>>>>      1.435000 5 v
>>>>      1.520000 6 E
>>>>      1.595000 7 k
>>>>      1.610000 8 @
>>>>      1.665000 9 l
>>>>      1.705000 10 @
>>>>      1.800000 11 p
>>>>      1.885000 12 9
>>>>      1.990000 13 p
>>>>      2.115000 14 l
>>>>      2.130000 15 @
>>>>      2.150000 16 l
>>>>      2.165000 17 @
>>>>      2.275000 18 s
>>>>      2.305000 19 u
>>>>      2.400000 20 t
>>>>      2.415000 21 @
>>>>      2.475000 22 n
>>>>      2.570000 23 E
>>>>      2.835000 24 _
>>>>      2.915000 25 s
>>>>      2.940000 26 @
>>>>      3.025000 27 k
>>>>      3.040000 28 i
>>>>      3.055000 29 l
>>>>      3.125000 30 H
>>>>      3.140000 31 i
>>>>      3.205000 32 a
>>>>      3.285000 33 d
>>>>      3.305000 34 0
>>>>      3.380000 35 n
>>>>      3.450000 36 e
>>>>      3.525000 37 k
>>>>      3.585000 38 o~
>>>>      3.650000 39 f
>>>>      3.755000 40 j
>>>>      3.890000 41 a~
>>>>      4.120000 42 s
>>>>      4.720000 43 _
>>>>      If the acoustic is not the problem, what should I do? Maybe the
>>>> feature
>>>>      extractor is responsible for that misalignement? I've selected
>>>> all
>>>> the
>>>>      features in the FeaturesSelector. I have no clue of what's going
>>>> on... I
>>>>      would like to avoid to run again the EHMMLabeller that takes 11h
>>>> to
>>>>      process.
>>>>      I really need your help,
>>>>      Florent
>>>>       >  Dear Florent,
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  On 29.07.2011 01:46,
>>>> fxavier at ircam.fr<mailto:fxavier at ircam.fr>
>>>>      wrote:
>>>>       >>  Dear all,
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  Again I'm encountering some problems. This time with the
>>>>       >>  HMMVoiceMakeData.
>>>>       >>  It says:
>>>>       >  [...]
>>>>       >>  FeatureDefinition extracted from context file:
>>>>       >>  /home/florent/FlorentVoice//phonefeatures/utt_2513.pfeats
>>>>       >>  The following are other context features used for training
>>>> Hmms:
>>>>       >>     pos_in_syl  f0
>>>>       >>     position_type  f1
>>>>       >>     prev_syl_break  f2
>>>>       >>     syl_break  f3
>>>>       >>  The previous context features were extracted from file:
>>>>       >>  /home/florent/FlorentVoice/mary/hmmFeatures.txt
>>>>       >>  Extracting monophone and context features (1):
>>>> utt_2513.pfeats
>>>> and
>>>>       >>  utt_2513.lab
>>>>       >>  java.lang.Exception: The component HMMVoiceMakeData produced
>>>> the
>>>>       >>  following
>>>>       >>  exception:
>>>>       >>       at
>>>>       >>
>>>>      marytts.tools.voiceimport.DatabaseImportMain$8.run(DatabaseImportMain.java:294)
>>>>       >>  Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Error: Number of context
>>>>      features in:
>>>>       >>  /home/florent/FlorentVoice//phonefeatures/utt_2513.pfeats is
>>>> not
>>>> the
>>>>       >>  same
>>>>       >>  as the number of labels in:
>>>>       >>  /home/florent/FlorentVoice//phonelab/utt_2513.lab
>>>>       >>       at
>>>>       >>
>>>>      marytts.tools.voiceimport.HMMVoiceMakeData.extractMonophoneAndFullContextLabels(HMMVoiceMakeData.java:988)
>>>>       >>       at
>>>>       >>
>>>>      marytts.tools.voiceimport.HMMVoiceMakeData.makeLabels(HMMVoiceMakeData.java:733)
>>>>       >>       at
>>>>       >>
>>>>      marytts.tools.voiceimport.HMMVoiceMakeData.compute(HMMVoiceMakeData.java:233)
>>>>       >>       at
>>>>       >>
>>>>      marytts.tools.voiceimport.DatabaseImportMain$8.run(DatabaseImportMain.java:291)
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  The fact is that PhoneLabelFeatureAligner failed. For 2992
>>>> out
>>>>      of 3000
>>>>       >>  sentences there's an alignement problem:
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  Not good. There must be something systematically wrong with
>>>> the
>>>>      labeling.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  (...)
>>>>       >>      utt_999 Adding pause unit in labels before unit 1
>>>>       >>    Feature file is longer than label file:  unit 41 and
>>>> greater
>>>>      do not
>>>>       >>  exist
>>>>       >>  in label file
>>>>       >>  Remaining problems: 2991
>>>>       >>       utt_1:  Feature file is longer than label file:  unit
>>>> 45
>>>> and
>>>>       >>  greater
>>>>       >>  do not exist in label file
>>>>       >>    ->   Skipping all utterances ! The problems remain.
>>>>       >>  Removed [0/2999] utterances from the list, [2999] utterances
>>>> remain,
>>>>       >>  among
>>>>       >>  which [2991/2999] still have problems.
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  Is this the reason why the HMMVoiceMakeData fail?
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  More than likely.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>  What do you think is the
>>>>       >>  problem, the corpus? Should I record it again?
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  Absolutely not! The acoustics should not be a problem (unless
>>>> it's
>>>>       >  unusually bad quality or lots of mistakes from the speaker,
>>>> of
>>>>      course).
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>  When recorded it I tried to
>>>>       >>  be very natural (schwa elision, mandatory and non mandatory
>>>>      liaisons,
>>>>       >>  kind
>>>>       >>  of fast flow) but the sound quality is very good (mono 16
>>>> kHz,
>>>> used
>>>>       >>  AudioConverterGUI to trim the silences and normalization).
>>>> Maybe
>>>> the
>>>>       >>  phonetical transcriptions didn't take all these typical
>>>> syntaxic
>>>>       >>  problems
>>>>       >>  in account exactly as it should be, so the EHMMLabeler
>>>> didn't
>>>>      labeled it
>>>>       >>  right...
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  Indeed, the automatic labeling sadly cannot be trusted to
>>>> produce
>>>>      what
>>>>       >  you'd expect.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>  And, for every sentences when checking the RAWMARYXML there
>>>> is a
>>>>       >>  \n at the beginning of the utterance I don't know why. For
>>>> example:
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>>>>       >>  <maryxml version="0.4"
>>>>       >>  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
>>>>       >>  xmlns="http://mary.dfki.de/2002/MaryXML"
>>>>       >>  xml:lang="fr">
>>>>       >>  <boundary  breakindex="2" duration="100"/>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  il savait que le peuple le soutenait, ce qui lui a donné
>>>> confiance.
>>>>       >>  </maryxml>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  Shouldn't make a difference, IMHO. But you could try and see
>>>> if
>>>>      it does.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  Don't know if it's a problem though, when correcting this,
>>>> it
>>>>      says the
>>>>       >>  problem still remains.lab files looks pretty ok according to
>>>> what I
>>>>       >>  listen
>>>>       >>  in the wav file:
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  format: end time. unit index. phone
>>>>       >>  #
>>>>       >>  1.120000 0 _
>>>>       >>  1.120000 1 _
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  That looks a bit suspicious. Normally, zero-length intervals
>>>>      should be
>>>>       >  deleted. Might be a problem with PhoneLabelFeatureAligner.
>>>> Did
>>>>      you run
>>>>       >  the PhoneUnitLabelComputer?
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  Perhaps you could try and see of you can remove those
>>>> zero-length
>>>>       >  intervals, and whether it magically works afterwards?
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>  1.175000 2 i
>>>>       >>  1.190000 3 l
>>>>       >>  1.325000 4 s
>>>>       >>  1.400000 5 a
>>>>       >>  1.435000 6 v
>>>>       >>  1.520000 7 E
>>>>       >>  1.600000 8 k
>>>>       >>  1.615000 9 @
>>>>       >>  1.670000 10 l
>>>>       >>  1.705000 11 @
>>>>       >>  1.800000 12 p
>>>>       >>  1.885000 13 9
>>>>       >>  1.995000 14 p
>>>>       >>  2.010000 15 l
>>>>       >>  2.030000 16 @
>>>>       >>  2.130000 17 l
>>>>       >>  2.155000 18 @
>>>>       >>  2.230000 19 s
>>>>       >>  2.305000 20 u
>>>>       >>  2.400000 21 t
>>>>       >>  2.415000 22 @
>>>>       >>  2.475000 23 n
>>>>       >>  2.575000 24 E
>>>>       >>  2.835000 25 _
>>>>       >>  2.910000 26 s
>>>>       >>  2.935000 27 @
>>>>       >>  3.025000 28 k
>>>>       >>  3.040000 29 i
>>>>       >>  3.055000 30 l
>>>>       >>  3.150000 31 H
>>>>       >>  3.165000 32 i
>>>>       >>  3.210000 33 a
>>>>       >>  3.285000 34 d
>>>>       >>  3.305000 35 0
>>>>       >>  3.370000 36 n
>>>>       >>  3.450000 37 e
>>>>       >>  3.525000 38 k
>>>>       >>  3.585000 39 o~
>>>>       >>  3.655000 40 f
>>>>       >>  3.755000 41 j
>>>>       >>  3.885000 42 a~
>>>>       >>  4.110000 43 s
>>>>       >>  4.720000 44 _
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  Is there a way to fix this without having to record the 3000
>>>>      sentences
>>>>       >>  corpus? I think the quality won't be as good as it should
>>>> be,
>>>>      but I need
>>>>       >>  a
>>>>       >>  result in the nex few days, I would obviously record it
>>>> again
>>>> later.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  As I said, the problem is unlikely to be caused by the
>>>> recordings,
>>>>       >  unless the audio or speech quality is exceptionally bad. It's
>>>> the
>>>>       >  labels, and the features extracted using them.
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  Best wishes,
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  -Ingmar
>>>>       >
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  Thanks in advance,
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  Florent
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>
>>>>       >>  _______________________________________________
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>>>>       >
>>>>       >  --
>>>>       >  Ingmar Steiner
>>>>       >  Postdoctoral Researcher
>>>>       >
>>>>       >  LORIA Speech Group, Nancy, France
>>>>       >  National Institute for Research in
>>>>       >  Computer Science and Control (INRIA)
>>>>       >  _______________________________________________
>>>>       >  Mary-users mailing list
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>>>> --
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> Sathish Chandra Pammi, Researcher
>>>> Web: http://www.dfki.de/~chandra/<http://www.dfki.de/%7Echandra/>
>>>> DFKI GmbH,
>>>> Saarbrücken, Germany
>>>> Tel: +49-17624869114
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>>> --
>>> Ingmar Steiner
>>> Postdoctoral Researcher
>>> LORIA Speech Group, Nancy, France
>>> National Institute for Research in
>>> Computer Science and Control (INRIA)
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>> Mary-users mailing list
>> Mary-users at dfki.de
>> http://www.dfki.de/mailman/cgi-bin/listinfo/mary-users
> --
> Ingmar Steiner
> Postdoctoral Researcher
> LORIA Speech Group, Nancy, France
> National Institute for Research in
> Computer Science and Control (INRIA)
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> Mary-users mailing list
> Mary-users at dfki.de
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