[mary-users] mixing audio streams

anko andrea.koenig at gmatic.de
Wed Mar 9 10:56:30 CET 2011

Hi all,
I have to mix several audiostreams (voice streams) to one audio file. I
found examples how this can be realized, but I need the AudioInputStream
of the text spoken voices. Is there an approach to do this with the help
of MaryTTS.

Any hints would be appreciated.

Best regards

Dr. Andrea König 

G.punkt - medical services 
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Halberstädter Str. 115 A 
39112 Magdeburg 

fon: +49 391 280380 
fax: +49 391 2803822 

mail: andrea.koenig at gmatic.de 
inet: www.gmatic.de 

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