[mary-users] UML diagram

Florent Xavier florent.xavier at ircam.fr
Mon Mar 14 10:33:03 CET 2011

Hi everybody,

I would like to know if someone has an UML diagram to describe the overall TTS system for one language (doesn't matter what language it is). It would be very helpful as I am trying to build a french voice from the scratch. So it would be interesting to know how the java classes (phonemizer, preprocess, tokeniser...) are linked etc... I really need an overview on the code.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,


Florent XAVIER
Internship at Telecom Paristech
M2 ATIAM - UPMC/Ircam/Telecom Paristech
ING 5 - ECE Paris
firstname [dot] lastname [at] ircam [dot] fr
firstname [dot] lastname [at] telecom-paristech [dot] fr
tel:  + 33( 6 ) . 67 . 64 . 23 . 08
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