[mary-users] mixing audio streams

Ingmar Steiner ingmar.steiner at inria.fr
Wed Mar 23 10:13:08 CET 2011

Dear Andrea,

did you try the other hints I gave you in my first response?

You could do sox -m foo.wav bar.wav mix.wav or write a Praat script or, 
really, whatever.

The gstreamer suggestion wasn't mine, but Jeff Sigmon's, and seems like 
a more elegant and powerful solution. If you're having problems with 
that, I'm sure they could be solved.

Or implement javax.sound.sampled.Mixer or something if you want to do it 
yourself in Java.

Best wishes,


On 23.03.2011 09:26, Andrea König wrote:
> Dear Ingmar,
> I'm sorry I didn't answer your email, not yet. Your email was sent as
> spam so I read it only now.
> You are right I want to synthesize multiple requests and combine them
> into one audio file overlapping. It is not required to do this within
> mary. Actually I try it with gstreamer-java but run into many problems.
> Could you give another hints?
> Best regards
> Dr. Andrea König
> (Development)
> G.punkt - medical services
> Ihre Wünsche sind unser Konzept
> Halberstädter Str. 115 A
> 39112 Magdeburg
> fon: +49 391 280380
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> inet: www.gmatic.de
> Institutskennzeichen: IK331530332, O.I.D.:; G.punkt
> ist Trust center zertifiziert für elektronischen Datenaustausch mit
> Leistungserbringern, GF: Tino Graßhof, ST-ID: DE210661356; Nr.:
> 101-225-04463; Großhandelserlaubnis nach § 52a Arzneimittelgesetz,
> G.punkt ist Mitglied im N.I.R. Netzwerk für innovative Rheumadiagnostik
> und -therapie
> Am 09.03.2011 13:38, schrieb Ingmar Steiner:
>> Dear Andrea,
>> could you please be more specific on how this should work? Do you want
>> to synthesize multiple requests and combine them into one wav file,
>> where they overlap? If so, apart from my confusion as to why you would
>> want to accomplish this, is there a compelling reason why it should be
>> done within Mary and not in a separate post-processing step (which
>> could be anything, e.g. a praat script, sox command, etc.)?
>> Best wishes,
>> -Ingmar
>> On 09.03.2011 10:56, anko wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have to mix several audiostreams (voice streams) to one audio file. I
>>> found examples how this can be realized, but I need the AudioInputStream
>>> of the text spoken voices. Is there an approach to do this with the help
>>> of MaryTTS.
>>> Any hints would be appreciated.

Ingmar Steiner
Postdoctoral Researcher

LORIA Speech Group, Nancy, France
National Institute for Research in
Computer Science and Control (INRIA)

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