[mary-users] Running VoiceImportTools in Eclipse

Ingmar Steiner ingmar.steiner at inria.fr
Mon Sep 26 10:31:31 CEST 2011

Dear Jerome,

On 23.09.2011 15:27, Jerome Perri wrote:
> "mary client" starts the compiled mary server.

No. You have to have a server running before the voice import tools 
attempt to connect to it. Note that not all voice import components need 
a server connection, though.

> This means that I cannot really step into the real problem because the
> real problem occurs in the compiled mary server.
> Is that correct?

No, you can still debug both the server and the voice import tools at 
the same time; they're just different processes, so you can switch from 
one to the other in the debug perspective in Eclipse.

If you have your server running on a different machine, you should try 
remote debugging as Nickolay suggested.

Best wishes,


Ingmar Steiner
Postdoctoral Researcher

LORIA Speech Group, Nancy, France
National Institute for Research in
Computer Science and Control (INRIA)

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