[mary-users] Question About Mary TTS

Amir Aly amir.aly at ensta-paristech.fr
Mon Aug 13 18:15:47 CEST 2012


Recently i have started using the toolkit MARY TTS. Actually, i started to use MARYTTS 5, and i succeded to run the JAVA example of MARYCLIENT (in windows with NetBeans),but my problem is that i don't find a way to variate the gender of the speaker between a male and female(by default it is regulated to be a male speaker) and the most important issue to me is that i don't find away to variate the tonality of the synthesized voice in order to show a specific emotion through synthesized speech. I tried to search for any information in the downloaded MARYTTS 5, but i couldn't find a real help. So is MARY able to achieve such requirements or not? can you kindly offer me any guide for that?

I thank you in advance for your help,


Amir ALY

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