[mary-users] Thanks

Klemens Bobenhausen bobenhausen at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 14 11:38:21 CEST 2012

Dear developers of maryXML,

we want to say "thank you" for your work. We used maryXML for German
Speech Synthesis in a Rhyme Box which generates and performs poems
algorhithmically. For that we made our own lexicon (1,5 Mio words) and
developed a rule based letter to sound algorithm for German language.
With maryXML it was very easy to combine our own developments with
existing work.

If anyone is interested in our "add ons" wo would be glad if you get in
contact with us. You will find two short video of the speech synthesis
on the following site, for those who are interested:


Klemens Bobenhausen, M²

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