[mary-users] Duration and intonation modeling

Trang Nguyen trangntt.it at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 12:44:51 CEST 2013


I have adopted Mary TTS in our research for Vietnamese, and thank you for a nice framework.

I have some concerns related to duration and intonation modeling in Mary TTS:
1. How the duration is modeled and synthesized in Mary TTS? I found that the duration in my voice is not well modeled, they are very short… How could I change or adapt for our language? Do you have any materials mentioning about this problem?
2. I found in the source code of Mary TTS, it seems allow to process continuous value features, but I find no way to do that. Now I already developed a continuous prosody model, but I can't integrate into Mary TTS to extract features for training and synthesis. 

If you have some suggestions/clues, it will be very happy for me :). 

Thanks in advance.


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