[mary-users] balabolka and openmary

Ingmar Steiner ingmar.steiner at dfki.de
Fri Feb 1 15:10:50 CET 2013

Hi Josh,

I was unaware of balabolka up to now. It seems to be Windows-only 
sofware, and I don't use Windows, so I'm not sure what it brings to the 
table. Incidentally, I can't find the source code, even though it uses 
third-party libraries licesed under the GPL...

In any case, how are you using it? If there are things you can do with 
it that don't work with Mary, then we might be able to do something 
about that... =) SAPI compliance would be a step forward, and it's been 
brought up a few times in the past, so it may happen yet...

Best wishes,


On 01.02.13 05:05, Josh Kennedy wrote:
> Hi
> could you perhaps get in touch with the developers of balabolka? I would
> love to be able to create audio books using balabolka or openmary
> somehow not sure if mary client.bat can do this or not. I would just be
> making audio books converting to mp3 sending to other friends who are
> blind who are older and who need a simple way to read the book they have
> an mp3 player but not a computer. It would be excellent if I could make
> some unit selection voices of some of my favorite narrators or even turn
> my own voice into a tts voice. some concersn I have though are since I
> am totally blind some of the voice building relies on colors like red
> for errors or  something like that? maybe for people who are totally
> blind play a sound instead to indicate errors? also are there any plans
> to make mary tts sapi5 compliant? or have australian accent, irish
> accent, and support the irish gaelic language?
> thanks
> Josh
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