[mary-users] Issues configuring MaryTTS to build a voice

Robert Schuon rschuon at shoutomatic.com
Tue Mar 25 15:09:15 CET 2014

OK, we finally were able to install HTK and snack, and get the 
check_install_external_programs.sh script to set every path correctly.

For those that don't know, we are doing this on an iMac, with:

OSX 10.9.2
Intel processor

There were two items on that score that really messed us up.  First, the 
makefile sets the precompiler options to null, i.e. CPPFLAGS is set to 
empty (CPPFLAGS=).  It SHOULD actually be:

# So that it carries external path settings into the makefile, because 
this issue caused htk not to compile, due to an incorrect path.  I 
overrode it in the makefile, but simply reading the CPPFLAGS variable on 
the way in would be a lot easier.  In addition, XQuartz is required to 
be installed and the path set (which is why I had to override the 
precompiler), so the software sees the X11 folder properly.

Second, not only is XCode required for compiling this software, you MUST 
download and install the command line tools for your version of XCode!  
If you do not, in newer versions of OSX (10.8 and 10.9), the file 
malloc.h doesn't exist, causing another compiler error.  I actually had 
to go to the Mac store to get it, because XCode did not show command 
line tools as an option, even though it is an add on for XCode!

So, in the end, we were able to get all the packages installed, and all 
the paths set, like so:

# Paths for external programs:
external.awkPath /usr/bin
external.perlPath /usr/bin
external.bcPath /usr/bin
external.tclPath /usr/local/bin
external.soxPath /usr/local/bin
external.htsPath /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3/lib/external/bin
external.htsEnginePath /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3/lib/external/bin
external.sptkPath /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3/lib/external/bin
external.ehmmPath /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3/lib/external/bin

And EHMM ran to completion last night, on the data in the 
/Users/shoutomatic/Documents/MaryTTS/myvoice2 folder.

That's the good news.  Now the bad news.  First, some of the modules 
throw errors, but more on that later.  Here is what the 
HMMVoiceDataPreparation reports:

Checking paths of external programs
   *Missing path for awk
   *Missing path for perl
   *Missing path for bc
   *Missing path for tclsh
   *Missing path for sox
   *Missing path for hts/htk
   *Missing path for hts_engine
   *Missing path for sptk
   *Missing path for ehmm
Please run MARYBASE/lib/external/check_install_external_programs.sh and 
check/install the missing programs

And yes, I set the HMMVoiceConfigure.configureFile path for the 
configure file to 

So why is the preparer reporting they are not set?

As always, any help is GREATLY appreciated!  And then we can tackle the 
errors in the HTK Labeling next.  ;-)


Bob S.

"Stop Typing, Start Shouting!"

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