[mary-users] Issues configuring MaryTTS to build a voice

Robert Schuon rschuon at shoutomatic.com
Tue Mar 25 20:37:08 CET 2014

In the settings on the tab "Global Properties" db.marybase is set to:  /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3  (This is where the binaries are located).

In the settings on the tab "HMMVoiceConfigure" HMMVoiceConfigure.configureFile we have tried lib/external/externalBinaries.config and also leaving it blank, and /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3/lib/external/externalBinaries.config as well.  I also tried putting a copy of the externalBinaries.config into the /Users/shoutomatic/marytts3 folder, the /Users/shoutomatic/Documents/myvoice2 folder (Where the .wav and .txt folders for the voice are), and the /Users/shoutomatic/Documents/myvoice2/config folder, and MaryTTS still reports missing paths for all of the components.

I must be misunderstanding what you are saying.  Is there a way to capture all the voiceimport.sh settings, so I can send them to you?


A confused Bob from ShoutOmatic

"Stop Typing, Start Shouting!"

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