[mary-users] Added marytts to Eclipse, but need help with a classpath runtime exception

Robert Schuon rschuon at shoutomatic.com
Thu Mar 27 15:59:43 CET 2014

On Ingmar's (very gratefully appreciated) advice, we added the marytts 
project to Eclipse, so we could hopefully run voiceimport in debug mode, 
and determine why the externalBinaries.config is not being loaded, even 
though the paths to the configuration file seem to be correct.  The 
project was imported, and shows no errors.  But we are having a lot of 
issues getting the run/debug configurations set up correctly - no matter 
what we do, we get a classpath error, before the voiceimport really gets 
started.  The main thread gets a ClassNotFoundException in 
marytts.tools.voiceimport.DatabaseImportMain at localhost:52226.  No 
debugging lines are available, because the error is being called from 
the URLClassLoader$1 class, which is internal.
We were wondering if anyone else had these issues, and what we are doing 
wrong, or settings/variables we may be missing.
The project is set to marytts-builder (Eclipse set that automatically), 
and the main class is set to marytts.tools.voiceimport.DatabaseImportMain.
We set the MARYBASE, PATH, and VOICEDIR environment variables on the 
variables tab (appended to the existing environment).
We tried a couple of different configurations for the VM Arguments, the 
one from the README, and also the setup used in voiceimport.sh, but we 
still get the exact same classpath exception.  I have screenshots of our 
attempts, but they can't be posted to the user list, so please contact 
us if you would like them sent to you.
Thanks to everyone on the list (especially Ingmar!) for all of their 
help so far, and if anyone has any ideas how to proceed, please let us know.


Bob S.

"Stop Typing, Start Shouting!"

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