[mary-users] Use Mary to read aloud

matteo marchesi matteo.marchesi71 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 10:12:40 CEST 2015

Hello Mary users,
    I'm new in MaryTTS world.
I've found this sw looking for something able to read aloud for dyslexic
that works fine and with a natural voice under Linux (Xubunu 14.04 32 bits
and Ubuntu 14.04 64bits).
I'd like to have something that can read aloud a selected text.
What I have put together so far is this flow.
1) start marytts-server (currently manually but I plan to start it at
2) Fn to launch a bash script that curl the desired text to be read.

The bash is:

*#!/bin/bashcurl -G
--data-urlencode "INPUT_TEXT=$(xsel)" | aplay*
Well, it seems it works but I'm wandering if is there any possibility to
run marytts w/o launching the server and w/o the curl.

for example with espeak the bash is something like

*#!/bin/bashespeak -vit $(xsel)*

or with pico2wave

*#!/bin/bashpico2wave -l=it-IT -w=/tmp/out.wav "$(xsel)"
aplay /tmp/out.wav

Is it somehow possible?


matteo marchesi
e-Mail   <matteo.marchesi71 at gmail.com>matteo.marchesi71 at gmail.com
PEC     matteo.marchesi at mypec.eu
web     http://matteomarchesi.altervista.org
LinkedIn it.linkedin.com/in/matteomarchesi/
Phone   +39 349 0535802
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