[mary-users] Getting running for Russian

Michael Pozhidaev michael.pozhidaev at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 20:34:29 CEST 2016


I've just now come across Mary TTS and was very surprised reading
information about it. Looks very interesting, if it's possible to get
Russian speech of appropriate quality. Me and a couple of my colleagues
work on special environment for the blind (http://luwrain.org/?lang=en)
written completely on Java, so absence of pure Java TTS for Russian
caused a lot of difficulties for us. Our work is non-commercial, GPL v3
as well, so exactly Mary TTS suits us better than anything else.

May I ask somebody to help  me get Mary TTS running for Russian shortly
or to let me listen examples of produced speech in Russian? Any help
would be very appreciable! 

Thank you a lot! Looking forward to help Mary TTS as well, if it could
be possible!

Michael Pozhidaev. Tomsk, Russia.
Russian info page: http://www.marigostra.ru/
English info page: http://www.marigostra.com/

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