[mary-users] Fwd: HMMVoiceCreation without GUI

Vojtěch Hudeček vojta.hudecek at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 14:23:02 CEST 2016


I have successfully created new HMM Voice for marytts-5.2
I used the tutorial https://github.com/marytts/marytts/wiki/HMMVoiceCreation
and cmu-us-slt-arctic data.

However, I need to automate this process, so I have created Makefile which
does it for me.
I am able to run the Makefile and all the steps complete without errors,
the new voice is compiled and looks ok.
However, when I synthesize some utterance using this voice, the result is
very bad,
the speech is very incomprehensible and it sounds really weird.

Is there any chance, that I somehow omitted some important step that is
normally done by the Voice Import tools?
Can you please suggest some way to track the problems?

Thank you.

Vojtech Hudecek
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