[mary-users] Build Voices under Windows

Ingmar Steiner ingmar.steiner at dfki.de
Thu Sep 14 11:14:20 CEST 2017

Hi Jerome,

it's the various third-party tools that are the issue here. Even though 
they're invoked by the Gradle plugins (or legacy VoiceImportTools), 
getting some of them (particularly the Edinburgh Speech Tools) installed 
under Windows can be tricky.

Alternatively, even on a Windows system, you have numerous options to 
run some or all of the voicebuilding process

- inside a virtual machine (VirtualBox, VMware, etc.) with a linux guest OS
- in the Windows Subsystem for Linux
- under Cygwin
- via Docker

If you run into a specific problem, please open an issue on GitHub as 

Best wishes,


On 14.09.17 10:29, Jerome Perri wrote:
> Hello!
> Did anybody manage to build voices under Windows?
> If I remember correctly, I tried it several times, and I gave up.
> Linux is not my natural habitat, it'd be great if I could do this in 
> Windows.
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  * Dr. Ingmar Steiner
  * Head of Independent Research Group
  * Multimodal Speech Processing
  * Cluster of Excellence MMCI
  * Senior Researcher
  * Multilingual Technologies Lab
  * German Research Center for
  * Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH)
  * Principal Investigator
  * Collaborative Research Center SFB-1102
  * Information Density and Linguistic Encoding
  * Adjunct Assistant Professor
  * Department of Computer Science
  * Department of Computational Linguistics & Phonetics
  * Saarland University
  * Campus C7.4, Room 2.01
  * D-66123 Saarbrücken
  * @tel: +49-681-302-70028
  * @fax: +49-681-302-4317
  * @web: http://coli.uni-saarland.de/~steiner/

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