[Rock-dev] [Thread] Activity: an object with that name is already existing in Xenomai.

gprizzi at tin.it gprizzi at tin.it
Fri Apr 15 00:03:09 CEST 2011

 Dear Sirs,

I am having trouble in creating OROCOS deployment on xenomai.

I am using orogen to create source code for Orocos components.

I prepare a simple orogen file with one task with many instances, that is included to the message.

I run the commands:

 orogen --target=xenomai -v -V test22.orogen
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/lib/orocos

then I prepare a .runinfo file with the following content


and run the deployment with the command


I get a lot of warning of the type

Activity: an object with that name is already existing in Xenomai.

Looking at orocos.log 

I can see rows of the type

0.043 [ Info   ][Thread] Creating Thread for scheduler: 0
0.043 [ Info   ][Activity1] Thread created with scheduler type '0', priority 50 and period 0.

when Activity9 is reached the creation of a new thread is followed by  line with Activity9 again,  
instead of  Activity10 , Activity11 and so on and the warning message appears.

This doesn't happen on gnulinux system.

Why this happens?

Can I have a xenomai system not correctly set up?
Can you help me with advices useful in solving this problem?

The full log is attached.

Thank you in advance.

G. Rizzi

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