[Rock-dev] Fwd: [euron-dist] European Robotics Forum 2012: Call for Workshop Proposals

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Mon Dec 12 15:06:54 CET 2011

What about doing a Rock workshop ?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [euron-dist] European Robotics Forum 2012: Call for Workshop 
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:55:49 +0100 (CET)
From: Herman Bruyninckx <Herman.Bruyninckx at mech.kuleuven.be>
Reply-To: Herman Bruyninckx <herman.bruyninckx at mech.kuleuven.be>
To: euron-dist at iais.fraunhofer.de

European Robotics Forum 2012, 5-7 March 2012 --- Call for Workshop Proposals

Deadline to submit your proposal: 10 January 2012

For the upcoming European Robotics Forum (5-7 March 2012 in Odense, 
Denmark), the European
Robotics community is asked to suggest workshops.

More than 300 robotics researchers from industry and academia, as well 
as entrepreneurs and public
investors are expected to discuss the latest developments, research 
challenges and business
opportunities concerning European robotics. This year’s theme is 
“European Robotics towards new
horizons”. The event will be hosted by the Danish Technological 
Institute (DTI).

Key dates:
   *  5 March 2012, 9:30 - 18:30 hrs: joint academic & industry day 
(including Welcome, EURON and
      EUROP members assemblies)
   *  6 March 2012, 9:00 - 19:00 hrs: joint academic & industry day 
(including joint workshops, PhD
      Award session, Technology Transfer Award session) followed by 
get-together including award
   *  7 March 2012, 09:00 - 17:00 hrs: academic day (more academic 
driven workshops)

Organise a workshop:
As in previous years, there are lots of workshop proposals expected and 
we might not be able to
accept all proposed workshops. A detailed description of your workshop 
proposal will make it
easier for the organisers (and at a later stage the participants at the 
European Robotics Forum)
to select the right workshops. The programme committee (euRobotics 
Coordination Action) asks you
to include the following information in your workshop application:

   *  Session Title
   *  (Preferred) time of workshop (e.g. 7 March, morning)
   *  Organiser(s) contact details  (organisation email)
   *  Motivation and objective
   *  Approach
   *  Agenda of the workshop
   *  Speaker(s) (name, organisation and function)
   *  How can participants contribute to, and prepare for, the workshop?
   *  Further information
   *  Planned follow-up

Please send the requested information by e-mailing Fariba Khatami
(fariba.khatami at eu-nited.net).

For more information about the forum, please refer to: 

Registration to attend the forum will be open soon. We will keep you 

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