[Rock-dev] Setting up controller using Ruby

gprizzi at tin.it gprizzi at tin.it
Sat Feb 12 23:07:42 CET 2011

 Dear Sirs,

 first of all thank you for the great work on orogen, using it to build Orocos components is now easy.

 Now I am trying to use roby to set up a controller but I have difficulties in doing this.

 I had a look at  the documentation and I did the following:

 mkdir myRosetta

 cd myRosetta

 roby init -p orocos

 then I edit config/init.rb adding 

 Roby.app.using 'orocos'

 then in 'config' directory I created ROBOT.rb and I put in it the following line

  Roby.app.use_deployments_from "Rosetta"

 Where Rosetta (first letter uppercase) is then name of a deployment generated from an orogen project.
 The binary for Rosetta is located in /usr/local/lib/rock/bin/  , my installation directory.

 After this  I created in /root/rock/robyRosetta/tasks/compositions/ 
 the file


 in which I put 

using_task_library 'rosetta'
composition 'Controller' do
  add LabcommToOrocos::Task, :as => 'lc'  
  add IntentionEstimation::Task, :as => 'est'

Where rosetta (first letter lower case) is the name of the orogen project 
defined in the first row of my orogen file as

name 'rosetta'
version '1.0'

and LabcommToOrocos and IntentionEstimation are two task_context defined in the project.

when I run the command

/root/rock/robyRosetta/scripts/orocos/system_model -o svg -r ROBOT.rb

I get the following errors:

root at UBU1004:~/rock/robyRosetta# /root/rock/robyRosetta/scripts/orocos/system_model -o svg -r ROBOT.rb

= uninitialized constant Kernel::LabcommToOrocos (NameError)
= Backtrace
| tasks/compositions/myRosetta.rb:3,
|   tasks/compositions/myRosetta.rb:3,
|   tasks/compositions/myRosetta.rb:2,
|   /root/rock/robyRosetta/scripts/orocos/system_model:3

I am missing some important thing can you help me to understand my error?

Thank you in advance.

Gianpaolo Rizzi
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