[Rock-dev] test on connected port fails in startHook

gprizzi at tin.it gprizzi at tin.it
Mon Feb 21 17:23:31 CET 2011

 Dear sirs,

 I prepared the following simple system:

name 'testcon'
version '0.1'

task_context "Task1" do

    #  output ports
      output_port("port1", "int").
      doc("simple output port")

task_context "Task2" do

    # input ports
      input_port("port1", "int").
      doc("simple input port") 

  # task is activated by new data on input port
      port_driven "port1"

deployment "test1" do
    task1 = task("T1", "Task1").

    task2 = task("T2", "Task2").

    # connections beetwen tasks
      connect(task1.port1, task2.port1)

then I modified stratHook of task2 in order to test if all ports where correctly connected before 
starting component.
The code I write is listed below:

bool Task2::startHook()
  bool result;
    if (! Task2Base::startHook())
        return false;
    if(!result )
      return false;
      return true;

the test fails, and the component is not started.

The same test in updateHook returns the connections are correctly made.

In the Orocos Componets Builder's manual in paragraph "3.3.4. Using the Data Flow Interface in C++"
the connection test is made in startHook.

Am I doing something wrong in my orogen file or this is the desired behavior of code generated by orgen? 
Have I to test all the time in the updateHook the port connections.

Thank you in advance.

Gianpaolo Rizzi

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