[Rock-dev] Standard logging for orogen tasks

Chris Mueller christoph.mueller at dfki.de
Tue Jun 21 16:52:32 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know what it is the prefered way how to write log messages 
in an orogen module?

I looked into different modules on gitorious and space git and it is 
widely mixed with different methods.

1) fprintfs / std::cout / std::cerr.
Often used for practically reason, probably when the module is used in a 
script. Unfortanetely, I guess
these message could be missed very fast, when the task is used in the 
supervision, which produces
a very large set of output messages

2) RTT::log
I used this in the beginning of my job here at the DFKI. But I have 
currently no clue how to handle
the log level from a script or how it is handled by the supervision.

3) base/logging.h
Another logging api written by Thomas which seems very flexible as 
replacement for log4cpp
(compile-time and environmental (ENV_VAR) controllable log-level)


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