[Rock-dev] Support for header only libs?

Steffen Planthaber Steffen.Planthaber at dfki.de
Tue Jun 28 13:33:29 CEST 2011

Hi, rockers

I currently have a problem with installing a package with header files only

Rock.cmake seems not to have support for that, as it is calling 
add_library and cmake in complaining about missing source files and that 
it can't determine the linker language.

I am not so familiar with cmake, so i don't know how and if this could 
be easily implemented in Rock.

We have some abstract interface classes (.h) defined, used by the CoHoN 
Core AND the Simulation and would like to have them in a package so both 
could use it from there.

Any thoughts?

Best, Steffen

  Steffen Planthaber

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