[Rock-dev] Testing needed: autoproj and autobuild RC

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at m4x.org
Wed Oct 12 17:23:15 CEST 2011

(change notes follows)

autoproj: 1.7.14.rc2
autobuild: 1.5.52.rc1

To install in an existing installation:

   gem install --prerelease autoproj autobuild

To bootstrap using the new bootstrap script, and the prerelease packages

   * save the autoproj_bootstrap script attached to this mail
   * add "dev" just after autoproj_bootstrap on the command line, e.g.

   ruby autoproj_bootstrap dev git git://gitorious.org/rock/buildconf.git

Change Notes

  * fix support for local package sets, i.e. package sets that are saved
    in autoproj/directory_name and are part of the main configuration
  * fix behavior of autoproj when adding a remote package set in
    autoproj/manifest and calling amake my/package right away. Until now,
    autoproj was yelling with a criptic message. It will now behave and
    check out the new package set.
  * add support for sourcing shell scripts from env.sh:
  * fix a Ruby 1.9 incompatibility
  * better performance in e.g. autoproj query and autoproj locate (this
    speeds up acd)
  * accept amake --rebuild the same way than amake --force was accepted
    until now
  * add support for including manifest.xml files in the package sets.
    This is meant to be used for external packages that do not provide a
    manifest. The manifests are listed in the package set's manifests/
    subdirectory and must match the package name, as e.g.
    inside the rock package set
    If both a package set and a package contain a manifest.xml, the one
    from the package set takes precedence.
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