[Rock-dev] log file converter / updating frame.h SonarScan

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Tue Sep 20 12:04:11 CEST 2011

On 09/20/2011 11:42 AM, Alexander Duda wrote:
>   ->  move the convert script to log_tools/bin which picks up all scripts
> from share/...
Picks up all scripts from ENVVAR_TO_BE_CHOSEN.split(':').each { |path| 
#{path}/log/migration/* }
>> In general, I think it would start to be useful to have a ROCK_PREFIXES
>> environment variable and look for things in subdirectories of that
>> prefix (in this case, log/migration/). We could also have a vizkit/
>> subdirectory and use it to load vizkit extensions (they are currently
>> loaded under lib/qt/designer/* which sucks -- I can say it, I added
>> that)... and so on.
> I added that but the reason is quite simple. The Qt designer wants to
> have this folder structure :-(.
I was not talking about the shared libraries, I was talking about the 
Ruby extensions (either cplusplus_extensions or pure ruby widgets).

>>>>> -->    add conversions rules for base
>>>>> to /base/orogen/types/lib/base/immigrate
>>>> Mmmmm .... I would rather have a src/log_migration.rb file and install
>>>> it in share/rock/log/migration or something like that. In general, I
>>>> start to dislike the Ruby code that stays in CMake packages. It should
>>>> (in general) be installed with the rest of the package.
>>> Hmm that's bad for testing.
>> Why ? You have to install, which is something that you have to do anyway
>> when you are manipulating C++ packages.
>> To refine my proposal:
>>     src/log_migration.rb would get installed as
>> share/rock/log/migration/<package_name>.rb
> There are more than one script per package therefore I would go for
> share/rock/log/migration/<package_name>/type1.rb
> share/rock/log/migration/<package_name>/type2.rb
Mmmm ....

Can't you have one script that defines multiple convertions ? I would 
personally feel better that way, since most scripts/packages will deal 
with very few types.


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