[Rock-dev] Help needed: improve jenkins error reporting

Allan E. Conquest allan.conquest at dfki.de
Tue Jan 17 10:41:05 CET 2012

Am 12.01.2012 15:07, schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
> The separation between the two cases could be done through an exit 
> status returned by autoproj (i.e. make autoproj return a different error 
> in both cases). autoproj could then generate a error_notifications.txt 
> file of the form
> <package_name> <responsible_emails>
> That file can then be parsed to notify the relevant persons.
> Thoughts ?
This would rely on people updating the manifest.xml regularly,
especially when they start working on a new module. Plus, people doing
integration would have to add their email address in almost every module.

I would suggest parsing the recent commit logs for committer email
addresses and mail them the build error as well, in addition to the
<responsible_emails> field.


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