[Rock-dev] Help needed: improve jenkins error reporting

Allan E. Conquest allan.conquest at dfki.de
Tue Jan 17 11:10:54 CET 2012

Am 17.01.2012 10:57, schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
> On 01/17/2012 10:41 AM, Allan E. Conquest wrote:
>> I would suggest parsing the recent commit logs for committer email
>> addresses and mail them the build error as well, in addition to the
>> <responsible_emails>  field.
> Seems like a good idea in principle. In practice, the a lot of commits
> don't have a proper email address (think: common accounts on robots).
> The idea of the manifest.xml is that you would hit the responsible
> person for that package. It's then up to him to forward to relevant
> people.
OK, I understand the 'shared account' scenario. But imagine somebody
responsible for a package breaks it right before his 2 week vacation.
Then he would get notified but nobody else would, except there are more
responsible persons listed in the manifest.

Maybe, as a first step, the easiest solution would be to add the broken
module name to the (mailing list) email subject. Then unresponsible
people could simply disregard the message without the scroll wheel
demolition they have to do right now not knowing why the build failed :)

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