[Rock-dev] Possible improvements in Rock tutorials

Martin.Azkarate at esa.int Martin.Azkarate at esa.int
Fri Jun 8 14:59:08 CEST 2012

Dear all,

Here a new Rock user writing from ESA's ESTEC establishment in the 
Netherlands, precisely from the Automation and Robotics Lab (section code 

I have recently installed and started using Rock here and would like to 
address a couple of problems that I encountered during this process.

- Installation: the git protocol is blocked at ESA and the bootstrap file 
that rock supplies for the installation makes use of the git protocol by 
default. The way I chose to fix this was to edit the bootstrap file in 
order to use http protocol for the downloading process. However, I think 
it would be much nicer if the new user could have both options directly 
available in case the git protocol is blocked by his/her company without 
having to edit the bootstrap file (which may not be evident).

- Basics Tutorials: there is an error in the ruby script in the last of 
the basic tutorials "Control through a Virtual Joystick", there is a code 
line missing that should go at the beginning <require 'vizkit'>, in order 
to make it run, otherwise an error appears claiming "undefined constant 

That's all for now and thanks for some great tutorials,

Kind regards,

Martin Azkarate
ESA - European Space Agency
Spanish Trainee, TEC-MMA - Automation and Robotics Section 
ESTEC - European Space research and TEchnology Centre
Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299 
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands 
Martin.Azkarate at esa.int | www.esa.int 
Tel +31 71 565 6057 | Mob +31 650 625 564 
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