[Rock-dev] Testing needed: autoproj 1.8.2.rc5

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Mon Oct 22 14:35:59 CEST 2012

On 10/22/2012 02:24 PM, Chris Mueller wrote:
> Has anyone an idea what might be changed in the cmake modules? Or did i
> miss a dependency and or an important step in my installation?
> I have struggled yesterday some hours with that on a clean bootstrap.
I think that this issue, as well as jan's, happen when there is a mixup 
between ruby 1.8 and ruby 1.9 on a single autoproj installation.


    head $(which autoproj)

Does the top line show ruby 1.8 or ruby 1.9 ?

The issue I had in the past is that the Debian alternatives that govern 
which ruby we are using can "change" without warning depending on which 
packages get installed/updated. I think we will have to add some guards 
on an autoproj installation, to make sure that autoproj bails out if the 
ruby version / ruby setup "changed".

> I have also read that ruby1.8 support is only limited to this year.
Yes. There are some things in this autoproj version that are required 
before we can tell people "go for 1.9". But my goal is to advertise ruby 
1.9 support after this autoproj is out and some osdeps cleanup has been 
merged. We will have to phase ruby 1.8 support out gradually.

Sylvain Joyeux (Dr.Ing.)
Senior Researcher

Space & Security Robotics
Underwater Robotics

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