[Rock-dev] Problem with connect to

"Raúl Domínguez" raul.dominguez at dfki.de
Tue Apr 30 10:42:42 CEST 2013

I think that the problem is comming from the line
"headingSendButton.connect SIGNAL(:clicked), PORT(:heading),:getter =>
g,:callback => c".

The widget loads correctly and I get the data from the task running on the robot
(before too), but when I press the send button in the widget, the widget crashes
with the same error as before.

I corrected some parts of the script but I still get the same error. Here is the
current state of the script once changed the connect_to for on_data.

require 'vizkit'

Orocos::CORBA.name_service.ip = "seekurjr"

# load GUI created with the Qt Designer
widget = Vizkit.load "gui/heading.ui"

# connect the widget with the task "simple_task"
widget.connect_to_task "seekur_odometry" do |task|

    task.port("odometry_samples").on_data do |data|


widget.connect_to_task "seekur_corridor_servoing" do |task|

    # generate a new sample each time the button is clicked
    # and show a message box if there is a connection error
    g = lambda{widget.headingSpinBox.value}
    c = lambda{|msg| Qt::MessageBox.warning(widget,"ComErr",msg) if msg != "OK"}
    headingSendButton.connect SIGNAL(:clicked), PORT(:heading),:getter =>
g,:callback => c

    # disable the GUI until the task is reachable
    task.on_reachable {widget.setEnabled(true)}
    task.on_unreachable {widget.setEnabled(false)}

#run qt main loop


Have a nice day,
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