[Rock-dev] Syskit is landing in master soonish, user-visible effect: the rock bundle's master branch will be syskit-specific

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Fri Feb 15 11:48:28 CET 2013

Hello everyone.

I've been working since the beginning of december towards a major 
cleanup of the component system management code. The result is a new 
(and well unit-tested) library called syskit.

There are quite a few changes in the modelling and runtime handling 
w.r.t. the (current) rock-roby tool. Therefore, in order to start using 
syskit in master, I'll have to make 'master' on bundles/rock a 
syskit-specific branch.

If you are using rock-roby, here is how it is going to work ONCE the 
documentation on the website has been updated AND a migration document 
written. The current next is the latest rock-roby-compatible version of 
bundles/rock and will be additionally branched off to a rock-roby 
branch. People that want to stick to rock-roby for the time being will 
have to add the following to autoproj/overrides.yml to get that branch:

   - bundles/rock:
     branch: rock-roby

The rock-roby plugin that sits in orocos.rb will be left there, but be 
(almost) unmaintained. I will fix obvious breakage (i.e. if changes in 
Roby break the plugin) for at least the next 6 months.

Sylvain Joyeux (Dr.Ing.)
Senior Researcher

Space & Security Robotics
Underwater Robotics

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