[Rock-dev] Avi export for log files

Steffen Planthaber Steffen.Planthaber at dfki.de
Fri Jun 21 08:32:11 CEST 2013


After you got the export of several frames, from rock-export giving i.e.
--start 0 --end 100, you can use ffmpeg to put them together in any
format. ffmpeg (mplayer) supports it by using the "image2" format as
input for ffmpeg:

$> ffmpeg -f image2 image%02d.png out.mpg

puts together all images with a two digit number image01.png, image02.png

You'll need leading zeros for a correct order in the video.
I don't knot the output filename of  rock-export, but the "%02d" is for
two digit numbers, %03d for three.

For bitrates, resolution and stuff see the ffmpeg manual.


Am 21.06.2013 00:35, schrieb Fabian Franzen:
> Hi, 
> is it possible in rock to convert/export a log file with frames to a
> movie file format like MPEG or avi? If looked around in rock and today
> and the only way I found is via the png/jpeg export of rock-export...
> I have tried that command with my log file but no pictures was created... 
> My idea was to export a camera log of avalon for the open campus day.
> I finally used some non rock log files for this, but I can't belive
> that there is no easy way for rock log files.... 
> Regards 
> Fabian 
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 Steffen Planthaber
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