[Rock-dev] Error in System management tutorial: moving to bundles

Steffen Planthaber Steffen.Planthaber at dfki.de
Wed Nov 20 15:35:07 CET 2013


Am 20.11.2013 15:20, schrieb Martin Zenzes:
> so based on the current bootstrap-script, the following will work for
> transterra (i will commit it to the SVN, as soon as compiling finished)

The svn location is project-specific, the default location should be 
(correct me if i'm wrong) the buildconf git repository (where externals 
would search for it).

The "buildconf" repository is the autoproj/ folder after bootstrapping 
(successfully) it is renamed, so the correct location in your folders 
is: autoproj/bootstrap.sh

Best, Steffen

  Steffen Planthaber

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