[Rock-dev] Using "fuse" devices in Syskit

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 20:07:17 CEST 2014

> The Problems here:
> 1) E-Fuse need to be configured in way that Port for Child X is active
> (could maybe handled als dynamic services?)
> 2) Child X needs to ne configured AFTER 1)
> 3) On error-State (or output) on a port of the E-fuse Child X is not
> working anymore (E-Fuse shuts down due to over current for e.G).
> 4) on 3) The Syskit fault-response table should handle the error by e.G.
> restarting the port and the device ( 1) and 2) ), if it's failing again
> leaving it deactivated and switch to another modality (e.g. using only
> xsens instead of FOG, or using reduced amount of actuators depending on
> the error source).
> Afaik the Problem in Syskit is 3) am i right with that?
I don't see a problem with (3). Is the E-Fuse reporting the fault ? If
yes, then that's business as usual. If not, then you have a problem
anyways as you will have to guess why your device stopped working all
of a sudden.


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