[Rock-dev] Autoproj - Importing new packages in Autobuild

Javier Hidalgo Carrió javier.hidalgo_carrio at dfki.de
Tue Feb 11 17:51:18 CET 2014

Hi All,

I want to import and build an existing CAN driver for PCI Express Mini 
into rock (from http://www.peak-system.com/fileadmin/media/linux/index.htm)
The driver has a pure makefile and therefore I am using the 
*import**_package* command of Autoproj.
Basically I am editing a libs.autobuild of my package_set. I am 
following the documentation on the website 

I just have the very simple example code:

    in_flavor 'master', 'next', 'stable' *do*
         import_package 'drivers/pcan_pcie_mini' *do* |pkg|
             Autoproj.message "Importing package PCI Express Mini"
    *def* pkg.do_build
                 Autoproj.message "Something that should be noted about
    package %s"
                 run('build', Autobuild.tool(:make),
    "-j#{parallel_build_level}", "-C", srcdir)

    *if *pkg.respond_to?(:progress_start) # newer versions of autoproj
                 Autoproj.message "Newer Autoproj version"
                 pkg.post_install *do*
                     Autoproj.message "Something more that should be
    noted about package %s"
                     pkg.progress_start "building %s" *do*
    **            end*
                 Autoproj.message "Older Autoproj version"
                 pkg.post_install *do*
                     Autoproj.message "Something more that should be
    noted about package %s"
                     pkg.progress "building %s"
    *end* #if else

    *end* #import_package
    *end *# in_flavor

And I get the following output:

    autoproj's main build configuration
       Which flavor of Rock do you want to use ? master
       Do you need compatibility with OCL ? (yes or no): false
       the target operating system for Orocos/RTT (gnulinux or xenomai):
       which CORBA implementation should the RTT use ? omniorb
    *Importing package PCI Express Mini**
    **Newer Autoproj version*

    autoproj: importing and loading selected packages
    autoproj: building and installing packages

    autodetected the shell to be bash, sourcing autoproj shell helpers
    add "Autoproj.shell_helpers = false" in autoproj/init.rb to disable
    autoproj: updated /home/jhidalgocarrio/exoter/dev/env.sh
    Build finished successfully at 2014-02-11 17:31:28 +0100

Does anyone knows why is not entering on_build method? not even on the 
"Something that ..blabla" Autoproj.message to print on console?

Thanks in advance,


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