[Rock-dev] Reviews of pull requests ...

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 11:32:59 CEST 2014

OK .. so.

I have currently 7 PRs that are more than two weeks old and 5 more
than a month old.

Reviewing a pull request takes between 2 minutes to 10 minutes (for
the bigger ones). You usually have no coding to do, only looking at
(1) what is being changed (and does it make sense) and (2) how it is
done in the code. If you have reservations (or actually want to test
it), you send a message telling that you're going to do it. Et voila.

I'm going to timeout to one month. I.e. any of my PRs older than one
month that have no outstanding comments for packages that are not in
the really-really-rock-core (e.g. not base/cmake, base/types, ...),
I'm going to merge. I would prefer that people look at it because it
is a great way to learn what is being changed and how the code works,
but so be it.


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