[Rock-dev] Rock development discussions

Jakob Schwendner jakob.schwendner at dfki.de
Fri Sep 19 10:33:26 CEST 2014

> Just my two cents: Doing Frameworks means doing things right. Allowing
> many persons to profit from the work of smaller subgroup. And this takes
> time... Quick-Hacks have no place in a Framework...
I very much agree with that. Thanks for taking a step back here. 

I have a feeling we need to improve the way we discuss our development of

 A few ideas for this:
* do a video chat once a month. I would start with anyone who wants to
participate. When we reach number over the technology limit we could always
limit later to core development team.
* Record decisions and discussions. The wiki is probably the best way for
now. I kind of liked the loomio tool, though.
* Improve ML communication. Really stick to what we agreed on: discuss
bigger changes in the ML. If in doubt how big the change is, discuss. 
* Your opinion REALLY is important. If you have one, join the discussion.
Even if it's just an agree/disagree. I know sometimes it's difficult to join
into a heated discussion. Not heating them too much could be a way here.
Conciseness on the discussion could also help.

Let me know what you think, or if you have other ideas on how to improve.



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