[Rock-dev] Update to master/next/stable

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 16:47:50 CEST 2014

I've created two pull requests, which will obviously need some testing
... If anyone is interested.

This is basically the option 3 described here:

  - makes 'stable' track the rock1408 branch
  - makes 'next' an alias for 'stable' (for backward compatibility reasons)

  - updates the rock package set accordingly

 - update the post-commit hook to warn people who commit on the stable branch

I've NOT moved any packages from master to stable (unlike rock1408
which moved all master packages to stable). If these PRs get accepted
into the package set, I'll announce on rock-users that maintainers
will have to request it explicitly. Two exceptions:
base/orogen/interfaces and drivers/velodyne_lidar as they were
dependencies of "released packages".

The non-Rock-branched packages are NOT pinned to a particular commit.
The PR contain the setup code for it, but I need to backport an
autoproj patch to make it work (will do it ASAP).

People using 'stable' will get switched to the new release next time
we release anything. What I want is that we've ironed out the release
process by then and "pin" them transparently before we release.


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