[Rock-dev] oroGen components used only for unit tests

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 19:13:29 CEST 2015

When I saw no other choice, I've been creating 'test' components for
the unit tests of some packages (e.g. iodrivers_base or the
transformer). I've put these in rock-tests on gitorious, but never
really advertised that (or asked for a better idea ...)

It is more than past time for that, so:
 - do you see a better way ? (I would personally really avoid putting
them in the orogen project for clarity and compilation times)
 - if you agree with the scheme, how would you feel about moving the
'test' packages along with the corresponding package (i.e.
tests-orogen-transformer would go in rock.core), but disabled by
default ?


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