[Rock-dev] imu_xsens - please delete old include folder

Leif Christensen leif.christensen at dfki.de
Wed Dec 9 15:10:53 CET 2015


we have updated drivers/imu_xsens and drivers/orogen/imu_xsens, it is
using the new version 4.4 of the xsens sdk public sources now.

Since we changed the install folder name of the includes from xsens to
imu_xsens (using the proper naming scheme now), you may get an error
when building the updated versions, e.g.:

> /home/leifole/dev/rock/transterra/drivers/orogen/imu_xsens/tasks/Task.cpp:101:28: error: 'XsDeviceId' has no member named 'isMt9c'

Just delete the old [...]/install/include/xsens folder in that case, and
you should be fine.


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