[Rock-dev] RFC: feed joint data to the transformer

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 20:26:07 CET 2015

I recently had the problem of having a 2-axis system that I needed to
integrate in the transformer. I ended up doing "the standard thing",
that is hard-coding the device's geometry in the driver component and
generate the equivalent RBS internally. The annoying bit about that
was the inability to test the visualization without either having the
device or making a mock transform generator that matched the driver's
transformation generation (with the usual issue of how to keep both

So, I thought, what about we start using all these model files ?

The general idea I had was to extend the transformer to be able to
feed joint data instead of transform data. It would require adding a
robot_model property and a dynamic_transformation_joints port. The
first would be the path to a model file (URDF or SDF), which would
internally be converted to a KDL structure. The static parts would be
stored as static transforms, the dynamic parts fed when the relevant
joint states are received.

Thoughts ?


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