[Rock-dev] Transformation not available in Visualization

Sebastian Kasperski sebastian.kasperski at dfki.de
Fri May 29 12:06:35 CEST 2015

I have a task that is supposed to provide the robots position in a global map
via a transform "map" -> "robot".
Within the orogen-file, the transform is specified as:
    output_port "map2robot", "base/samples/RigidBodyState"
The transform is created with the given frame names in the task:
  base::samples::RigidBodyState rbs;
  rbs.sourceFrame = "map";
  rbs.targetFrame = "robot";
In transforms.rb, this transform is definied to provide the "map" and robot
  dynamic_transform "mapper.map2robot", "map" => "robot"
But when I try to visualize sensor data in the "robot" frame, only the default
"world_osg" frame is available. A transform_broadcaster is not started, even
after adding a dummy static_transform in transforms.rb.
What else is missing to make the transform available in the visualization?
Best regards,
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