[Rock-dev] What can we do about bundles/rock's refactoring ?

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 20:48:01 CEST 2017

OK. So, a while back I mentioned that I started refactoring
bundles/rock to follow the conventions that had been defined in a
meeting in 2012-2013 (before I left DFKI).

Given how little feedback I got then, the results of this work are
still on BIR's bundles/rock fork


The question now is what I can do with it.

The easiest, in order to not break anyone's is to keep a dual-bundle
structure, and move the refactored bundles/rock as bundles/rock2 or

Or, just update bundles/rock, but that's probably going to be painful.
The refactoring does include backward-compatibility measures, but they
have probably not been tested that much ...

I just came up with the common_models thing, but I think very much
like it, actually. As always, I would welcome constructive solutions
to the problem. Barring any, I'll go with bundles/common_models.


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