[Rock-dev] Preparing a release of rock-core

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Wed May 17 16:16:51 CEST 2017

I want to prepare a release of rock.core (and only rock.core), "in its
current state"

The only change I'd like to make is to add iodrivers_base and
orogen/iodrivers_base in rock.core, as they are quite ubiquitous.
Common core libraries like opencv and pcl should IMO also

Further down the road, I intend to prepare such a release on a regular
basis (hopefully at most monthly for pure bugfixes and 3 months for
breaking changes). I also want to focus on rock-core passing its own
test suite(s) - which it currently does not. I originally wanted to do
it *before* releasing, but actually getting the tests to pass require
quite a bit of changes in the packages that see little-to-no

Individual changes would still be vetted on a per-release basis. Large
changes would probably take longer than 3 months to land from master
to a release.

I also intend to gradually assign version numbers (hopefully following
a semantic-versioning like scheme), and provide proper changelogs on
each version.

Comments are welcome, as usual. Barring showstoppers on this plan,
I'll do the work in the next week(s)


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